What You Should Know About Laser Liposuction

Using laser lipo treatment can be a great way to get rid of extra fat in a quick, easy, and noninvasive procedure. The procedure can be used to target fatty areas of the body, including the upper and lower abdomen, hips, and thighs.

Can laser lipo cause fat embolism?

During a laser fat reduction treatment, a small incision is made and a local anesthetic is applied. A cannula is then inserted and melted fat is suctioned out.

In some cases, patients may experience temporary swelling. Bruising is also expected, but it is usually minor. Some people may develop a swollen, dimpled look at the area where the fat has been removed. Fortunately, this is only temporary and should go away within a few weeks.

In addition to removing excess fat, the laser treatment can tighten the skin around the area treated. This helps to keep the skin looking smoother.

Laser lipo is a great option for those who are close to their ideal weight and are healthy. The procedure does not have a lengthy recovery time and it has a low risk of infection.

Depending on the size of the area to be treated, the treatment takes between an hour and an hour and a half. Most clinicians recommend two or three days of downtime before strenuous activities are resumed. Those who wish to maintain their results can continue to exercise and follow a healthy diet.

The number of treatments needed will depend on the amount of fat to be removed. Ideally, you’ll need nine sessions.