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Skin Check Services

Skin check services can be a valuable tool for detecting and treating skin cancer. If a spot on the skin is suspicious, it can be removed in a quick and painless procedure. The most common types of skin cancer, such as melanoma and basal cell carcinoma, can be effectively treated when caught in the early stages. Regular self-exams, especially by people with darker skin, are important to help identify any changes in a mole, blemish or freckle. Several professional groups recommend performing a monthly self-exam of the body. These exams should include checking less visible areas like the soles of the feet.

During a full-body skin exam, a dermatologist or nurse uses a noninvasive tool called a dermatoscope to examine the appearance and texture of the skin and undergrowths. These tools allow the dermatologist to look at a lesion under magnification and see its features more clearly. They can also determine whether a lesion is surrounded by healthy tissue and has an even color, texture, size and shape.

Skin Check Services: Why Regular Screenings Matter

If a doctor notices something of concern, they may take a biopsy of the spot to find out if it is cancerous. This involves numbing the area and shaving or scraping a small sample of the skin or using a circular blade similar to a hole puncher to remove deeper layers of skin for analysis.

Skin cancer is the most common and one of the easiest to treat when it’s detected in its early stages. Two people die of skin cancer every hour in the US. In addition to yearly screenings, which are covered by Medicare, it’s a good idea for anyone with sun exposure to perform a daily self-exam and see their doctor if they notice any new or changing spots on the skin.