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The Real World Andrew

The Real World, which is an online learning community that Andrew Tate has been promoting lately, is a program that promises to teach people how to make money through various modern wealth creation systems. Its goal is to help its members become self-sufficient and free from the matrix that Tate says surrounds them. Those who want to join are given access to video tutorials that teach them how to use specific platforms. They are also provided with mentorship from experts who share their experience and teach them how to get started in the program.Resource :

Is Andrew Tate richer than Messi?

Its predecessor was the Hustler’s University app, which had been removed from the Google Play store by campaigning from activists who claimed that it was being used to channel teenagers – mainly males – into misogynistic ideology. The new program is hosted on a custom-built server that operates like Discord but has its own payment processors and features.

In addition to the tutorial videos, The Real World offers its students a number of different tools that they can use to grow their businesses. For example, it provides a list of marketing methods that they can use to generate traffic to their websites and products. It also gives them access to a platform where they can communicate with other members of the community and ask them questions.

It is a business-oriented social network that encourages its members to band together and lift each other up. Its content is often filled with references to The Matrix, where Tate himself refers to himself as Morpheus and compares joining the community to taking the red pill in order to escape the matrix.